Thursday, January 3, 2008

Blood Sugar Remaining Stable After Meals

Yet another new milestone in the gradual eradication of my diabetes: both yesterday and today, my blood sugar has remained at its pre-meal level when measured afterward. Now, I've had two or three unique instances in which my blood sugar actually dropped to below it's pre-meal measure following the meal, but this latest development, if it continues, may signify a trend, of sorts. Too early to tell, just yet.

Another facet of this development is that, in both instances, my blood sugar was in the normal range, both before and after eating. As I speculated in my earlier post, I expected to see this start happening within a month or so. I am pleasantly surprised to see it's apparently begun earlier than expected. Again, whether this will hold up or continue to drop remains to be seen yet. But, the important thing is, I'm now in the normal range for what appears to be for good. I feel confident in saying so because in most studies of the paleolithic diet and diabetics, this is exactly what happens; i.e., they eventually return to normal.

In case anyone reading this assumes I am including type 1 diabetics in these comments, the answer is no. While the paleolithic diet has been proven to cure type 2 diabetes, the same cannot be said for type 1. That is not to say that a paleolithic diet wouldn't help a type 1 diabetic, though. There is evidence to suggest that it can.

But, I will add that the evidence for the paleolithic diet also suggests that diabetes, even hereditary type 1 diabetes, has its origins in the inclusion of grains and dairy in the human diet that occurred some 10,000 years ago with the advent of agriculture. There is no evidence to suggest that hunter-gatherers (whether ancient or modern) ever had diabetes, either type 1 or type 2. The very fact that diabetes is responsive to changes in diet confirms that it is a dietary condition, not some incurable life-long disease that came out of nowhere. All pathologies have an origin and a causality. Grains and dairy products have been well documented elevators of blood sugar for some time now.

ADDENDUM (1-5-08):
Well, it seems my prediction of a trend was a little premature, after all. It only held for those two days, then the before and after meal results began to diverge a bit more again. I should have expected this was an anomaly. Even so, the overall downward trend is still holding.