Friday, May 23, 2008

Paleo Diet - Day 202

I'm doing my report a day earlier this week, as I'll be on the road tomorrow morning to go see my brother.

My weight has risen by a single pound from last Saturday, to 166 lbs. Whether that's a gain of muscle or fat, I have no idea, as I'm not using the faulty body fat scale any longer and I don't have my caliper yet. But, my BMI (Body Mass Index) is 22.5, just 0.1 higher than last Saturday, but still well within the "normal weight" range.

Speaking of normal, so is my blood sugar, at 99 this Friday morning, as opposed to 104 last Saturday, and that, after eating a large portion of ground beef after midnight, with some carrots and blackberries.

Where my blood pressure is concerned, it's at a roughly normal 120/71 this morning, as opposed to the 113/74 I had last Saturday. So, I guess my theory that my lower readings of 102/75 and the aforementioned 113/74 becoming a downward trend that might lead me to discarding my blood pressure medicine soon was a little premature, after all. I'm not sure what accounts for the rise this week - or the drop the last two weeks, for that matter - but, I know I haven't worked out as much this week, as opposed to last, so that may account for the slight rise. But, then again, when charting trends, a minor fluctuation is seldom indicative of the overall trend, and I may find my blood pressure back down again next week. We'll see.